Thursday, January 29, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Blog? hmmm

Going to just start journaling information as i go.

Milestone: got in my thursday workout after 8:40pm last night. Worked at school until 8 and got home and decided i really needed the ab workout. Got in the car and drove to the gym. Took a bit of motivating on my part to get out there and just do it. Glad i did although I got a little jazzed and didnt sleep afterwards.

Eating clean for the past week has made a huge difference. Did our school "biggest looser" wiegh in and was not happy with the result. Adding mass is really messing with my head. I will post pictures as soon as I can.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Time in a bottle...

Have you ever spent time trying to figure out why your time is so valuable? Seems like a long way to go around a simple problem. This blog is dedicated to the time i spent working to get to where i am and looking forward to the next stage in my life. That means i need a place to put it all into an organized thought. Welcome to my Blog and I hope if you take the time to read through you will add your insights, motivations, thoughts, criticisms, and anything else that moves you to action.